Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rich On Time, Not Money!! Breaking Free!

Breaking Free [FULL] from Matador Network on Vimeo.

Harnessing the power of the Matador Network, the world’s largest independent travel community, BREAKING FREE explores the lives of real-life Americans who have dared to live their dreams.

Ditching routine, comfort zones, and their own personal fears, they have sought and found vibrant, purpose-driven lifestyles to inspire viewers of all ages.

Filmed in diverse locations around the world, each hour-long episode investigates how these remarkable people started over, understanding the unique challenges, goals and passion that allowed them to follow their heart.


We’re looking for candidates who:

* have broken out of the regular 9-5 lifestyle are living abroad in a foreign country
* have established a business, project, or something cool in their cities/community
* are an inspiration to everyone they meet

We are NOT looking for people who are simply traveling abroad. We want to learn the how and why someone takes the leap, and how they’ve learned to overcome their challenges and really establish themselves in another community.

Wow! What this guy says at the beginning about his grandfather having missed out on things and feeling he could have done so much more. Powerful!  and the part where the woman says she wants to experience more with her child, those two notes really touch home with me. This is nomination thing for Americans, but one day I hope it will be this Canadian- traveling, writing, exploring, sharing, enjoying life in the moment. Rich in time, not money.