Sunday, January 6, 2013

Many Thanks to my Readers, Stats & Ads

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2012!/zipolita @zipolita Google+

Hey There, Hola, just borrowing a friend's computer and wanted to post a BIG THANK YOU!! to all my readers! I am honored that you like to visit and read my blog.

Here's a little graphic that shows the numbers. I've come a long way and hope to go a lot further.

Stats for Adventurez in Mexico 2008- Jan 2013

This chart shows that if I post an ad with your business on my blog, it has an opportunity to be seen roughly 4213 times a month, in the good months.  That's about a 143 times a day.

So if you are interested please contact me. I can add a screen print of your website and a link to your site for a very affordable fee.

Once again I just want to say Thanks so much and I will keep posting when I can. Hasta Luego