Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lights and Internet & Stormy Night

I have been having a hard time posting because the lights were out yesterday and the internet was out afternoons in a row...that is life in Mexico. It has been really hot... 33 C. everyday more or less. Today and yesterday are cooler because of the big thunder, lightning and rain last night.

Photography by Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2017

Photography by Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2017

Photography by Tina Winterlik aka Zipolita © 2017

Angel found it disturbing to be disconnected and no power but I told her it is totally normal for the power to go out. It has been like this for the last 30 years since I have visited.

Remember there was an big earthquake down here in Oaxaca and a tropical storm Ramon. Many places have big issues. I heard Salina Cruz and Juchitan, the government is trying to help but it all moves slowly here. 

I was worried about all the food in the fridge going bad. We need to get a little cooler so we can quickly throw everything in and buy ice. I bought the ice but the freezer did melt and a few things in there.

They are replacing lines, I saw that the other day when I was walking.

In Vancouver if the power was going to be out they would make a big announcement and warn everyone but nothing here.

They need a big community page or an app that everyone can check. Maybe they put it on the radio. I know lots of people listen to radio here. Angel found the radio weird. I had to explain they put on commercials and then the music or program. That pays for it.

I heard there are lots of issues about the water here too. The people pay but no water is coming. They have rain water stored in tanks but the stuff that actually comes in pipes from the city or ?? isn't coming or rarely comes.

In Vancouver people would freak out if there was no water for more than a day. Keep this in mind and be very very grateful for all that you have. So many others do not enjoy the luxuries you have.

Okay take care, I will write when I can. Been super hot and last night was a wicked rain storm in San Salvador is a Tropical Storm Selma, say prayers for all affected. Thankfully the new place we moved to is nice and dry and we were safe.

Hasta luego.
Cristina y Angel