Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hurricane Patricia-Dance to Lower the Rain

I believe this beautiful dance helped spared the beautiful town of Puerto Vallarta from a direct hit to the relief of many but farther south people did suffer and they will need our help. 

Thank You to the Positive Energies of the Universe that hurt the prayers of the people. 

Danzantes bajo la lluvia.
Con mi devoción danzare bajo la lluvia, golpeare la tierra con mis pies y salpicara el agua por doquier.  Con mi Fé lucharé y pediré que disminuya la intensidad de tu fuerza, pues mi Dios es el más poderoso, sin embargo entenderé que soy el único responsable y que nuestra madre naturaleza esta despertando mientras nosotros seguimos en el letargo del sueño de la inconsciencia.
Protege tu pueblo Señor.

Here is the Google translation

Danzantes the rain.
With my devotion danzare the rain,the earth beat you with my feet and splashed water everywhere.  With my faith I will fight and ask to decrease the intensity of your strength , because my God is the most powerful , yet I understand that I am solely responsible and that our Mother Nature is awakening as we continue into the lethargy of sleep of unconsciousness.
Protect your people Lord.

#YoSoyJalisco #FEDJALIN #OrgullosamenteJaliscienses #HuracanPatricia #PrevenirEsVivir