Friday, September 3, 2010

Kids Love Fresh O.J. Everyday

Our O.J. Story

We had very little money and I was spending a $2-5 everyday on cold cans of Jumex juice. My friend say "What are you doing?" Why not spend $1 - $10 pesos and get 10 oranges and squeeze them.

We had a few mishaps the year before and Angel had been turned off. So here are our tips.

Choose the oranges very carefully. One bad orange spoils the whole batch,
so as soon as you cut it, smell it carefully for freshness. If it has a winey smell, toss it.

After you've cut your orange in half, use a fork and poke it, then wiggle the fork back and forth, to get all the juice out. Kids love to help with this. Make sure everyone's hands are super clean and go for it. It's sticky but fun and just so healthy for you.

On 10 oranges a day, we would squeeze 2 or 3 for breakfast, 2 for lunch and 2-3 for dinner and then drink bottled water. It was wonderful. We got into a real routine with this and I really missed it when we came can't get 10 oranges for a $1 here.

Don't Forget to Be sure to soak your oranges in Microdyn first