Thursday, August 18, 2022

What I Need- Wishlist

 Zipolita'Z Painting Project 30 in 30 Wishlist Idea


Oh my I have been working at this all morning and I need to take a break. But wanted to tell you a little story about this blog and how it really started. 

I had this idea that I could take my kid to Mexico (to meet her dad- I came home when I was pregnant- was 9/11, long story...anyhow) if I could get people to donate each section.  I had seen some PBS show of some guy traveling the world with his kids and I wanted to do that with my girl. I believed at the time I had the skills and still do but there were biases and all sorts of things that would get in my way.

The general idea was I create a post on my blog saying what I need and a person would pay that part and onwards. I had a whole trip from Vancouver to Zipolite mapped with buses and hotels and everything. In the end I just didn't have enough followers or friends to make it happen and well we just made it happen on our own. 

Fast forward 14 years and I need to get back and that is still my plan. To make a list of things I need to survive and hopefully people will help me out. I am into bartering. So like all these 31 paintings I just made, you could buy them all and send me on my way or even a few or trade me something I need. 

Ok to be continued ...

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Day 8 Zipolita'Z Painting Project 30 Paintings in 30 Days

 Zipolita'Z Painting Project 30 Paintings in 30 Days

I am painting 30 paintings to sell and support myself over the winter. Please support my migration. :)

Gracias. Stay tuned on how to buy a painting.

Please help me head fly south for winter and hopefully this year see the butterflies. #MonarchButterflies #ZipolitaZPaintingProject30in30 #ArtHeals #Mexico #MonarchMigration