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The First Majestic Silver Company Canada is threatening the Sacred Lands of the Huichol people. If they lose their Sacred Lands they feel this is the extermination of them.
They are asking the Canadians that if you respect your lands please respect ours.
The Huichol People perform a Sacred Ceremony on their lands where they pray for the balance of the world. They feel that this Ceremony is critically important to all.
The Huichol or Wixáritari are an indigenous ethnic group of western central Mexico, living in the Sierra Madre Occidental range in the Mexican states of Nayarit, Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Durango. They are best known to the larger world as the Huichol, however, they refer to themselves as Wixáritari ("the people") in their native Huichol language. The adjectival form of Wixáritari and name for their own language is Wixárika.